
"When one refers to xenomorphs, they are most likely referring to the Warrior strain, as they are by far the most numerous of all."
Unleashed/The Hunt Begins

The Drone[1][2][3] is the most common variant of the Xenomorph species; When the Xenomorph is mentioned, it is most likely in reference to this specific caste, as they make up the bulk of all hives and the bulk of the alien species. The drone is the most basic caste of Xenomorph and the form from with many rarer, complex castes spring. They have a variety of monikers, being referred to as Workers[4], Infants[5] and (when mature) Warriors[1][6][7] , Soldiers[1][8], and Warrior-Drones[9]. Their immature "Infant" forms are considered stage 4 (though some Weyland-Yutani documents refer to it as stage 3) Xenomorphs, while their mature "Soldier" forms are considered stage 5. Often, the terms "Drone" and "Warrior" are used interchangeably, as both mature and immature forms can adequately perform each other's roles in the hive adequately, as well as their own roles.




"Armed with the plasma casters, they would be better prepared for the next evolution of the kiande amedha that was surely to come. These little ones were small game compared to their larger adaptations."
Yen'sha, after slaying a Drone

Drone from Isolation.

A drone may occur when a Facehugger impregnates a human, though a warrior alien is also a possibility.[10] Drones are bipedal, thought they are capable of quadruedal motion and often resort to it when moving through vents or ambushing prey, though they are plenty fast on two legs as well. They are vaguely humanoid in shape, with their bodies a mix of biomechanical and skeletal attributes. Your typical drone is more than twice the weight of an average human and will even rival a Yautja in terms of mass. However, a Drone will dwarf even a Yautja at nearly 8 feet of height. Their tails, barbed in a stinger, are an additional 8 feet in length, putting the total length of the creature at about 16 feet. It has four thin Dorsal Tubes on it's back, large clawed hands, and legs that may be digitigrade or plantigrade in form.

Despite not being as combat adept as more mature or complex strains of Xenomorph, Drones are still unquestionably strong. One can easily overcome a healthy adult human and can even bring down armed humans. Drones can even contend with Yautja, able to turn the tide of combat with just the flick of a claw[11]. However, despite this, Drones still fall short of the more mature warrior strain. It's claws cannot peirce metal, it's mesoskeleton isn't particularly tough, and it is overall one of the weaker adult strains.

Drones are referred to as "Stage IV" Aliens and are intended to be "young adult" forms of the Xenomorph. Some sources even refer to Drones as "infants" and distinguishes them from the adult Warrior Xenomorphs through function in the hive and a neural independence. This failure to establish a strong connection to the hive mind makes the drone awkward, but capable of plotting and scheming. Another distinction is the carapace on the head; An immature drone will often have a smooth dome, similar to the smooth head of a Chestburster.

Drones are able to spit acid, something they can be adapted to perform with more lethality should the Queen determine a need. They can also turn hosts into eggs through a process called Ovormorphing. This process appears to be unique to their caste.


" We better get back. 'Cause it'll be dark soon and they mostly come at night. Mostly."
Newt, regarding the Xenomorphs (Aliens)

Soldier Alien from Colonial Marines.

Warriors are mature drones, considered "Stage 5" Xenomorphs, and similar to their younger selves in many respects. However, their mesoskeletons do tend to have a blue-ish tint to them. Most notably, their carapaces are different, no longer smooth and transluscent. Instead, a Warrior had a ridged carapace which contributes to the protection of the creature. The barb on it's tail grows into a blade and it develops a pressurized bloodstream; an injured Xenomorph is often said to be more deadly than a intact one, as Xenomorphs are aware their blood is acidic and will weaponize it if cut, stabbed, or otherwise mangled. Over all, the Warrior alien is more durable and combat adept. As such, they are the hive's primary swarm unit, tending to attack in large groups. When alone, however, it will employ stealth and will even due so when swarming, subdue enemies with the sheer weight of an attack.

The only real threat to a Warrior alien is fire, which all Xenomorphs are cautious of. The mesoskeleton of the Warriors reacts to fire, hardening and charing the beast solid. In this chared state, it cannot make use of it's acidic blood, and will not burst apart upon dying if slain. Warriors will be noticeably cautious, or even flee, if fire is brandished against them.[12]


Role in the Hive[]


Acid Spittle Drone[]

Evolved Warrior[]

Carved Warrior[]

Onslaught Warrior[]

Cystic Warrior[]

Adjacent Castes[]

The following are not explicitly said to be drones or warriors, but serve a similar or identical function.

  • Predalien - A bulky xenomorph warrior, the Predalien is a heavy swarm unit and the Hive's secondary assault organism, particularly when Yautjas are present. Like other warriors, Predaliens can evolve further into Praetorians and Queens.
  • Lurker - Essentially identical to Drones, however some Lurkers have the beginnings of a ridge forming on the cranial dome, perhaps signalling the beginning of a transition into the Soldier Stage of development.
  • Sentry - Though mainly arisen from the Runner caste, a Warrior who is exposed to Royal Jelly will turn into a Sentry Xenomorph. Sentries are largely the same as a Warrior, except they serve a defensive role within the hive and seldom venture from it.[13]
  • Spitter - The Spitter is a ranged alien, adapted by the hive and Queen to combat Yautja and Human forces. It is said to be very similar to the Drone and it is possible this is the caste from which it was adapted. The Acid Spittle Drone is a very similar adaptation.[14]



"Based on the need of the hive, experienced Warriors will then evolve into Praetorians that guard the hive itself and the Queen."
― Warrriors (The Hunt Begins)
Main article: Praetorian



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Weyland-Yutani Archives (2008), 20th Century Fox [Blu-ray]
  2. S. D. Perry. Alien: The Weyland-Yutani Report, p. 20 (2014), Insight Editions.
  3. Aliens versus Predator 2, Microsoft Windows version, Monolith Productions, 2001.
  4. Lee Brimmicombe-Wood. Aliens: Colonial Marines Technical Manual, p. 155 (2012), Titan Books.
  5. AVP: The Hunt Begins/Unleashed
  6. Alien Legacy trading cards — 69. The "Aliens" Warrior (1998), Inkworks.
  7. AVP: Evolution, Mobile version, Angry Mob Games, 2013.
  8. Aliens: Colonial Marines, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 version, Gearbox Software, 2013.
  9. Aliens vs. Predator: Hunter's Planet
  10. [prodosgames.com/sites/prodosgames.com/files/files/avp_unleashed_1_1.pdf Infant Description]
  11. Aliens vs. Predator: Hunter's Planet
  12. Alien: Isolation
  13. Sentry Card
  14. Spitter description