
Resident4ever Resident4ever 16 April 2021

Complete Timeline

As I promised, I started to gather all comic, book, etc. and put here with a timeline, to help out this wiki. Sometimes the dates are given in the book or comic, but somehow the articles here don't mentions it. So far it's not a complete list, I will update it as soon as I have time for it.

Note: the years only shows the main story's placement, not flashbacks, memories, etc.

  • Predator: 1718 – 1718
  • Predator: God's Truth - 1926
  • Predator: Strange Roux – 1931 july
  • Predator: Demon’s Gold – during WW2
  • Aliens: Earth Angels – 1950s
  • Aliens: A Comic Book Adventure – 2257
  • Aliens: Dead Orbit - 2295
  • AvP (Atari Jaguar) - 2329
  • AvP (SNES) – 2493
  • AvP: The Last of his Clan - 2593

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Resident4ever Resident4ever 31 March 2021



First let me intruduce myself: I am the creator of the hungarian AvP wikia and a huge fan of the franchise. I just noticed, that here the Timeline is missing a lot of years. For example I have mine: https://alienspredatoraliens-versus-predator.fandom.com/hu/wiki/Id%C5%91vonal

This don't have all the source materials, I still need to finish a bunch of comics, books, etc. but as you can see I have a lot of dates, that are written in the books/comics (Aliens: Music of the Spears for example set in 2223 and 2224), or Aliens: Defiance (2137 december to 2138). When I use the ' marking, it's means it's just a relativ date, the event happens around this period and I give clues why I think its there. Is there a reason why Xenopedia don't s…

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Resident4ever Resident4ever 19 April 2019

Super Predators

First debuted in the third Predator film in 2010, the Super Predators now have a larger backstory, thanks to the various NECA figures and some Expanded Universe material. So here is the complete history of this yautja subspecies!

The Super Predators, they are bigger, stronger and have a darkar skin color. Some of their equipment also better and advanced. All of the Super Predators thinks, that they are the best of their species, and everyone else is an untermensch compered to them. In combat, the Supers prefer the scimitar over the wrist blades. Also their bio mask can detect the prey's hearthbeat, this is a unique feature, only they use it. Their armor have less metal and more leather. The Supers have some new titles/ranks, like the Berser…

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Resident4ever Resident4ever 15 November 2018

What happened to Alan "Dutch" Schaefer?

Okay, this one is not going to be that crazy article that connects a bunch of EU material together to make a mega theory of "what if the Preds evolved in Earth". In this theory we only have to check the Concrete Jungle, Cold War, Dark River comics/books and the Predator: South China Sea novel and the Predator 2 film.

So, let's start what we know!

After the incident in Val Verde the Other World Lifeform Taskforce capteures Alan "Dutch" Schaefer. However in the movie, Predator 2 (set in 1997) Peter Keyes mentions that Schaefer escaped and they don't know where is his current location. And this is what we are know, fortunately the comics/books help us solve the missing Schaefer problem.

The Concrete Jungle, Cold War and Dark River arc base aroun…

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Resident4ever Resident4ever 14 November 2018

Origin of the yautja species

In the comic, Predator: Homeworld, the two hero thinking about where the Predators evolved. Are they from Earth? Maybe they evolved from our planet many millenia ago, but somehow they left the planet? The woman's theory in the comic is this: the Predators evolved in Earth, but left, because they are bored, so they constructed spaceships to travel between the stars (this theory is wrong in my opinion, because none of the comic, books, films and games mentions, or hints this, we dont see any predator ruins, artifacts, or anything else). However the second theory is correct, an unknown species watched the young predator species and thought they are promising for their porpuse.

So the Predators are not aliens, but a lost race. This explains why…

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