
The USCSS Montero, was a Lockmart CM-88G Bison M-Class starfreighter with some minor upgrades owned by the Weyland-Yutani Corporation and captained by Vanessa Miller.[6] Due to its engines it cannot be rated as a commercial tug and was classified as a standard freighter instead.[2]


Early History[]

Captained by Vanessa Miller, the Montero is confined in second-rate cargo-runs due to its engines not powerful enough to tractor bigger loads. The Weyland-Yutani offered a lease-to-buy option on the Montero to Captain Miller but as she can't afford it she refused.[6] The ship is accustomed in running "the Gauntlet", the trade route between Anchorpoint Station and the Frontier.

Shipment to Sutter's World[]

The Weyland-Yutani tasked the Montero with a small run, conveying seventy-two Tritium tanks[2] to the newly established Frontier colony of Sutter's World[7] located in the 111 Tauri system.[8] Unknowning to the crew, Bionational managed to put a synthetic undercover agent among the crew[2] and Weyland-Yutani put the Special Order 966 in the ship's mainframe.[9]

In search of the Cronus and demise[]

On the course the Montero is diverted to check out a distress signal from the USCSS Cronus, a W-Y science ship missing for seventy-three years, the crew investigate the derelict ship and found the remaining crew in stasis that they tried to transfert to the Montero. Once onboard they discover that the reactor was set to overload (presumably by Wilson) through Special Order 966 and evacuate the ship before it exploded.[7] Captain Miller ordered her pilot Davis to set on the autopilot to get it as far as possible of the Cronus while she tried with Rye and Cham to save a much as possible of the Montero cargo and evacuate with the Daisy, their cargo lifter.[10]


Actually the course to Sutter's World was set-up staged by W-Y to redirect the Montero to the Cronus, destroy their ship and force the shipless crew to repair the Cronus and going home with it.



  • One of the crew member is a synthetic but it depends on the Game Master who randomly decide who is the synthetic.
  • The Montero's name was taken from the two characters General Pedro Montero and his younger brother Pedrito Montero of the 1904 novel Nostromo by Joseph Conrad.



