"Check it out! Independently Targeting Particle Beam Phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy."
―Pvt. William Hudson, boasting to Ellen Ripley (from Aliens)

The UA 102-20 Independently Targeting Particle Beam Phalanx was a vehicle combat-scale close-in weapons system (CIWS) used by the United States Colonial Marine Corps. It was capable of either being mounted on a vehicle or used independently. Though primarily a defensive weapon, it could also be effectively used for offensive purposes.[1]

The 102-20 was known for its high destructive capabilities,[2] and as such it was withheld from civilian use or ownership in all territories. Due to each Phalanx having a unique and traceable firing signature, not even the black market would dare touch the weapon system.[1]


The UA 102-20 is an electrically-powered energy-based close-in weapon system consisting of twenty individual particle beam emitters working in close formation. Each emitter is capable of independent targeting and operation, allowing for a wide defensive range. The twenty emitters can also be focused to fire on a single point, greatly increasing the weapon's effects.

The weapon's power was limited based upon its power source. It would usually operate off of its own battery or that of a vehicle when mounted, such as on an M577 Armored Personnel Carrier. This power limitation meant that the weapon had to be allowed to recharge between firing cycles and could not safely facilitate a concentrated blast. If the user attempted this anyway, it would emit a high-pitched whine and become liable to explode from exertion. However, the 102-20 could be hooked up to any power source strong enough to power the beams, including a city's power grid; granting the particle beams extremely devastating power.

The particle beams' targeting is controlled by an onboard computer module which can calculate the necessary fire rate and pattern needed to combat a target as well as the probability of a successful target takedown. The Phalanx's computer is capable of performing these calculations instantaneously in the heat of combat.[1]


  • The UA 102-20 is based on boasts made by Hudson in the extended Special Edition of Aliens. The "independently targeting particle beam phalanx" is the first weapon he lists in his speech.
  • The description of the UA 102-20 being capable of being tapped into a city's power grid is also most likely a reference to Hudson's claim that the Phalanx could fry half a city.
  • Despite the Operations Manual's description of the weapon system stating that the Phalanx could not be purchased and was only available to assigned Marine units or those who have stolen one, the next page lists the 102-20 as costing $25,000.
  • While its designation is based on the UA 571-C Automated Sentry Gun, it is consistently erroneously referred to as the "UA-102-20" instead of the "UA 102-20".



