
The Predator Holiday Special is a 2018 animated short film directed by David Brooks and Alex Kamer and starring Xander Mobus, Keith Silverstein and Dave B. Mitchell. Created to promote the home video release of The Predator, the comedic stop-motion film depicts a Predator attack on Santa Claus and his reindeer at the North Pole.


At the North Pole, elf Sprinkles is telling Blitzen how excited he is for Christmas Eve when a tri-laser sight appears on Blitzen's flank. Pushing Sprinkles aside, Blitzen draws a Minigun and opens fire on the treeline, but is killed when a bolt from the unseen Predator's Plasmacaster blows a hole clean through his torso. Fleeing into the woods, a panicked Sprinkles attempts to radio Prancer and the other reindeer for backup, only to find the skinned corpse of Dasher hanging from a tree. Sprinkles then falls victim to the Predator himself when the creature impales him on its Wristblades.

Having received Sprinkles' call, Prancer and several other heavily-armed reindeer head into the woods to find the Predator, but are ambushed and quickly slain. After decapitating its prey, the Predator next makes for Santa's house. Seeing the creature approaching, Santa calls upon his final reindeer, Larry, who guns the creature down with an M16. Santa and Larry then share a congratulatory hi-five.

Several more Predators suddenly decloak around the fallen hunter's corpse. As a sign of respect for defeating their comrade, the group's leader hands Santa a trophy from a previous hunt — the Easter Bunny's basket, full of Easter eggs. The Predators then prepare to leave in peace with their fallen brother, but as the group's leader cheerfully waves goodbye, he is suddenly struck in the head by a single bullet, killing him instantly. The stunned onlookers turn to the treeline, where Sprinkles stands holding a smoking pistol, having bandaged his seemingly life-threatening wounds. He engages the remaining Predators in a savage hand-to-hand brawl, easily dispatching every last one of the alien hunters with remarkably acrobatic combat skills.

In the aftermath, Santa and Larry look upon the scene of carnage in shock. Suddenly, one of the eggs in the Easter basket opens, revealing itself to be an Ovomorph, leading Santa to exclaim, "Ho-ho-holy shi-" before the screen cuts to black.



The Predator Holiday Special premiered on December 19, 2018, during an episode of BoJack Horseman on Comedy Central.[1] It was subsequently released through YouTube.


