
The Scout Ship is a short range Yautja spacecraft usually used to transport and deploy warriors on the hunt from the orbit.


Usually connected to a Mother Ship, scout ships have three external thrusters, a large blade on their belly and two front-mounted medium-range plasma cannons. Handed by a single pilot, scout ships possessed a fairly large Trophy Room used for displaying any Trophies obtained on the Hunt, a tactical room equipped with holographic devices capable of displaying holograms of nearby planets likely to be used as a site for a Hunt, a storage room for captive Facehuggers and up to six landing pods to perform dead drop re-entries. However the scout possessed a relatively weak armor as a single hit from a Plasmacaster is able to pierce the hull from the inside.


In 1987 one scout ship was used to drop the Jungle Hunter on in Guatemala.

In 2004 a scout ship with a Facehugger cargo detached from the Mother Ship after it left Earth, however it was infiltrated by a Predalien born from the fallen Scar. Bull, attempting to blast the Predalien, pierced the hull with his plasmacaster destabilizing the ship sending it crash in Colorado releasing its Xenomorph cargo. The ship was destroyed by Wolf when he activated Bull's Self-Destruct Device.


  • In AVP: Evolution a Mother Ship (clearly depicted in the loading screen to Predator Mission 2 - Predator Ship and also possessing a Trophy Room heavily based on the one seen in Predator 2) is incorrectly referred to as a Scout Ship.
  • Why Scout Ships detach from a Mother Ship and then deploy a Yautja to a planet instead of the Mother Ship itself just going to the planet and deploying the pod (which they have been seen using) is unclear, although it could be that the Mother Ship deploys numerous Yautja to Hunt at the same time, making it faster to send them in separate ships.
  • The scene from the beginning of Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem showing a Facehugger in a tube aboard the Scout Ship lunging at the camera is an obvious reference to the similar scene in Aliens where a Facehugger in a tube lunges at Burke in an identical manner.



