- "One of the only fully automatic Sniper Rifles to be approved for military service, the Sokol is effective at dealing with multiple threats from a distance. While it lacks the single target stopping power of traditional sniper rifles, it can also act as a medium range Battle Rifle in a pinch."
- ―Profile of the SVAT–92 Sokol (from Aliens: Fireteam Elite)
The SVAT–92 Sokol, also known as the SVAT–92 or Sokol, was a fully automatic hybrid rifle manufactured by the Hyperdyne Corporation and used by the Union of Progressive Peoples, Three World Empire, and the United States Colonial Marine Corps.
During the Frontier War, the Union of Progressive Peoples was made aware of a lack of qualified distance shooters among their conscripts compared to the United States Colonial Marine Corps. As this skills gap resulted in serious casualties, in 2188 the UPP's Space Operating Forces redoubled efforts to train basic shooting skills into conscripts; however, to accommodate less proficient users, the UPP State Council asked for a mass–produced, lightweight, easy to use, and easy to maintain weapon to fill the skills gap with technology. The result was the SVAT–92 Sokol, developed by the Hyperdyne Corporation's Torres Design Bureau. The Sokol was an unusual hybrid between a battle rifle, marksman rifle, and light support weapon. The weapon's receiver was originally adapted to to use ammunition belts, but the State Council demanded that feature be removed as they feared that it would lead to "static, defensive thinking".[1]
Despite the ambitions behind its design, the SVAT–92 did not fulfil each of its roles well. It was capable of long range precision fire, but lacked the stopping power and penetration of dedicated sniper rifles; it was capable of full–automatic fire, but at a lower rate compared to other battle rifles; and, while powerful enough to make it an effective support weapon, its magazine was insufficiently capacious, and the feature to adapt an ammunition belt was removed.[1]
Notable users[]
The SVAT–92 was created in 2192 for the Union of Progressive Peoples' Space Operating Forces. Its use was then expanded to colonial militias, and Hyperdyne subsequently sold it through subsidiaries to corporate security forces, the Three World Empire's Royal Marines Commandos, and the United States Colonial Marine Corps.[1]
Behind the scenes[]
The SVAT–92 Sokol appears in Aliens: Fireteam Elite as part of the Season 4 update and can be obtained from Staff Sergeant Han-jae Park for 9600 Requisition Points. It can be used by Gunner, Demolisher, Recon, and Doc classes.