A lone Yautja conducted a hunt in Eastern Africa. It was killed in a duel by a Maasai Warrior, seeking revenge for the slaughter of his village.
At some point, a lone Predator landed on Earth and was present in Eastern Africa. Unknown events would lead the Predator to slaughter a whole village of Maasai people. He was later tracked by a vengeful young Maasai warrior, who noticed a foot trail to a nearby rock formation. The Predator hid from the warrior, before ambushing him by raining fire with his Plasmacaster. As the warrior played dead, he suddenly managed to disarm the Predator with a well-placed spear-throw into his device, causing it to implode and wound the both of them.
As the warrior prepared to kill the hunter, it sprang to life and grabbed him by the neck, but released him after he plunged a spear into its shoulder. The warrior subsequently killed the Predator after chopping its arm off and decapitating it with his seme dagger.
- The Rite of Passage hunter was the first Yautja to conduct a hunt in Africa, the second being the Forest Devil from Predator: The Pride at Nghasa.