
PCW9512 is a backwater planet that was picked out for the ship Nova Maru to drop the Cargo and create a new hive world for the Maru's Demons.

Geographical Features

The planet is covered in water aside from the single island located on the planets surface.

Terrain and Climate

PCW9512 is rather tropical in climate usually warm during the day while nights can grow cold if near the water due to the temperature drop near a large body of water. The island is also covered in trees and grass similar to Earth's. Outside of the island there is nothing more than water on all sides.


  • Apetoids
  • Pteras


Due to the planets status as a backwater planet, it was chosen as a hive world for a reserve batch of Xenomorphs. Since it's indigenous species are fast in terms of breeding, the xenomorphs could grow at a fast rate with no need for a more populated planet. Upon discovering this plot Selkirk activated the Self-Destruct Device aboard the ship wiping out everything.


