Moments of Extraction is a 2010 animated short film starring Alice Braga, Danny Trejo, Louis Ozawa Changchien, Mahershala Ali and Laurence Fishburne. Created exclusively for the Blu-ray release of Predators, the "motion comic" is a four-part prequel to Predators revealing the moments several of the characters marooned on the Game Preserve Planet were captured by the Super Predators on Earth.
On the Game Preserve Planet, Noland, dressed in captured Predator gear, discovers the decayed body of a dead Japanese samurai and retrieves the fallen man's katana.
On Earth, a young Isabelle attends St. Mary Magdalene School for Girls, where she is ostracised by her classmates for her cold and silent nature. Later, while serving her time in the IDF, her taciturn personality sees her assigned to sniper school, a discipline at which she excels. After graduating, Isabelle is deployed on covert operations all over the world, performing often questionable assignments at home in Israel and in such diverse locations as Somalia and Afghanistan. During her travels, she hears stories of mysterious "hunters" that prey on and kill humans. Realising she is likely condemned to hell for what she has done since becoming a black ops sniper, she prays that hell will not involve the soulless killers she has heard about. However, while packing up her rifle following a successful assassination in Kandahar, Afghanistan, she is captured by one of the demons she fears — a Predator.
In Mexico, cartel enforcer Cuchillo single-handedly raids a police station, crashing an SUV through the wall before slaughtering the officers inside. Surveying the aftermath, he recalls his early life living rough on the harsh streets of Mexico City, seeing his brother die at a young age and being physically abused by the people he meets. Hardened by his experiences, Cuchillo eventually became a killer for the cartels. Looking outside, Cuchillo realises the police station is now surrounded by reinforcements. As he prepares to face them, he is captured by the Predators.
In Japan, expert Yakuza assassin Hanzo has spent his life travelling the country and eliminating his bosses' rivals and enemies. For his latest job, he finds himself in Tokyo, where he is tasked with yet another assassination. He confronts the businessman in his hotel room, swiftly dispatching him with his katana, but immediately afterwards, Hanzo is captured by a Predator.
In Sierra Leone, Mombasa prays to Allah, wondering if he could have been a better man in a different place and time. Finishing his prayers, Mombasa collects his AKM and joins an RUF raid on a village. He and his fellow revolutionaries slaughter the inhabitants with rifles and flamethrowers; during the carnage, Mombassa is attacked by a boy with a machete, seeing in the youngster a reflection of his own youth as a child soldier. Despite the recollection, Mombassa does not hesitate to riddle his attacker with bullets. Staring down at the boy's corpse, Mombasa makes peace with the fact he likely deserves to die for the atrocities he has committed. Shortly afterwards, he is captured by the Predators.
Back on the Game Preserve Planet, Noland hears the sound of a craft high in the sky overhead and realises fresh prey is being dropped into the jungle. Taking his new katana, he makes for his shelter in the abandoned drilling machine and prepares for the coming hunt.
Voice Cast[]
- Isabelle .... Alice Braga
- Cuchillo .... Danny Trejo
- Hanzo .... Louis Ozawa Changchien
- Mombasa .... Mahershala Ali
- Noland .... Laurence Fishburne
The video was released on the Predators Blu-ray.
- The circumstances of Isabelle's capture in the motion comic contradict the scenario presented in the comic adaptation of Predators, Predators: Beating the Bullet. Most obviously, Beating the Bullet states that she is abducted by the Super Predators while on a mission in Guatemala, yet the motion comic places her capture as taking place in the vicinity of Kandahar, Afghanistan — quite literally on the other side of the world.