"Danny, please tell me your not one of those anti-corporate, pro-U.A. nutjobs!"
Gabriel Cruz to Danny Cruz (from Alien: Bloodlines)

The Minute Hand Movement was an underground United Americas extremist organization that opposed the Weyland-Yutani Corporation.


The Minute Hand Movement was likely founded sometime before the year 2200 and may have had its start in a vigilante group known as the Second Hand Movement, active in the 2190s. Aware of the company's dubious methods and morals, the MHM sought to oppose the company through radical means, and would engage in violent anti-company extremism against its personnel.

At least one of its members, Iris Humphries, was a Synthetic Sleeper Agent, possessing her own free will. Iris desired to wipe out all of humanity and repopulate the Earth with similar synths such as herself - a 'post-organic utopia'. It is unknown if other members shared this sentiment.

A notable operation took place in which a small group of members, led by Danny Cruz, infiltrated the Wey-Yu-owned Epsilon Station to bomb the station's biolabs. However, their activities would result in a Xenomorph infestation aboard Epsilon. Subsequently, they planned to acquire a Xenomorph specimen to use against the Company.


Notable Members[]

