
"The Kramer .50 was the first viable attempt at creating a high-caliber, combat effective Hand Cannon. Slow–firing with a big kick, it's still popular because it packs a powerful punch."
―Profile of the Kramer .50 Magnum (from Aliens: Fireteam Elite)

The Kramer .50 Magnum was a handgun manufactured by Kramer Metallarbeiten GmBH and used by the United States Colonial Marine Corps and the Office of the Colonial Marshals during the late 22nd century.


After the creation of the Kramer Assault Rifle, Kramer Metallarbeiten GmBH's design team turned to the handgun. Initial attempts were frustrated by the lighter 7.88mm rounds used by the Three World Empire, which were ineffective against armor worn by the United States Colonial Marine Corps and EVA suits worn by the Union of Progressive Peoples' Space Operating Forces. After several false starts and redesigns, Kramer finally chose the 12.7mm round used by the United Americas.[1]


Heavy and bulky, the Kramer .50 Magnum possessed a slow rate of fire and reduced magazine capacity for a handgun, but compensated for these flaws with a strong armor piercing capability and kinetic stopping power.[1]

Notable users[]

Originally released in 2186 for private military contractors and the civilian market, the Kramer .50 was procured for Colonial Marines service in 2188 following a legal battle over the buyout of Kramer by Armat Battlefield Systems. The Magnum also saw service among Colonial Marshals and colonial militias.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The Kramer .50 Magnum appears in Aliens: Fireteam Elite, in which it is the default handgun weapon for the Technician, Doc, and Phalanx classes.




  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7  'Aliens: Fireteam Elite' (2021), Daybreak Games.

