
Superman vs. Aliens, originally titled Superman / Aliens, is a three-issue limited crossover comic book series that was first published by DC Comics and Dark Horse Comics from July-September 1995. It was written and pencilled by Dan Jurgens, inked by Kevin Nowlan, colored by Gregory Wright, lettered by Bill Oakley, and edited by Mike Carlin, Diana Schutz, Chris Duffy and Michael Eury, with cover art by by Jurgens and Nowlan.

Superman vs. Aliens was eventually followed by a sequel, Superman vs. Aliens II: God War, from May-September 2002.

In the overall Dark Horse crossover comics line, Superman vs. Aliens was preceded by Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch, published concurrently with Ghost: Trophy Ghost, Motorhead #1, X: Comeback, Agents of Law #6 and X: Hell Night, and was followed by Tarzan versus Predator: At the Earth's Core.

Publisher's Summary[]

#1: He came to earth in a rocket, a strange visitor from another planet. Now, years later, signals from space could be the beginning of a trail to his home planet Krypton. Can anything stop the Man of Steel from discovering his long-lost heritage? Can anything stand between Superman and that which he longs for most? How about the most feared and deadly species in the galaxy?

#2: In the far corners of space, Earth's yellow sun is a distant memory to Superman. Without its nurturing glow, his powers are fading fast. Will they hold out long enough for him to save the domed city of Argo from an infestation of Aliens, or is the Man of Steel doomed to die amongst what may be the ruins of the long-lost Krypton?

#3: Away from the nurturing yellow sun, his powers fading fast, Superman struggles to stay alive amongst the Alien-infested ruins of Argo. But the real threat isn't the Alien queen that's stalking him; it's the chestburster planted inside him! Can he beat the bug inside his chest, or is he doomed to die on a distant planet?

Reprint History[]


Cover to Superman/Aliens trade paperback by Jurgens and Nowlan.

Superman / Aliens was collected in trade paperback form in June 1996. This edition was edited by Bob Kahan and Lynn Adair, with a new introduction by writer Chris Claremont and featuring a new cover by Dan Jurgens and Kevin Nowlan.

The series received its current title, Superman vs. Aliens, when it was collected, alongside its sequel Superman vs. Aliens II: God War and several other Superman crossover stories involving Dark Horse Comics characters, in the Dark Horse Comics/DC Comics: Superman trade paperback, released in August 2016. The release reused the cover art from Superman/Aliens II: God War #4 by Jon Bogdanove and Nowlan.

Behind the Scenes[]

Prior to release, a short preview of the comic was published in Dark Horse Insider, Vol. 2 #40. Dark Horse Insider, Vol. 2 #41 subsequently included an interview with series artist Dan Jurgens about the comic, and featured promotional Superman vs. Aliens cover artwork by Jurgens and Nowlan.

Jurgens was one of the perennial 1990s Superman creators at DC Comics, working perhaps most prominently as part of the creative team on the famous "Death of Superman" storyline. Editor Mike Carlin was DC's main Superman editor at the time and for years afterward, supervising work on the same "Death of Superman" storyline and numerous others over the years. Inker Kevin Nowlan was likewise well known for his work at DC, but also for work on DC/Vertigo's The Sandman. He also previously worked in the Aliens/Predator universe.

Chris Claremont, who wrote the introduction to the trade paperback edition of the comic, is famous for his work with the Uncanny X-Men for Marvel Comics, including his time as writer on the Dark Phoenix Saga and through the introduction of Wolverine, Storm and various other new members onto the team. He also wrote Aliens vs. Predator: Deadliest of the Species for Dark Horse Comics.


Issue covers[]



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