
"The Misha, or "Little Bear," is a modified Medved, following the same principles of devastating short range stopping power with frequent reloading."
―Overview of the DKT–59 Misha (from Aliens: Fireteam Elite)

The DKT-59 Misha, also known as the Misha, or "Little Bear", was a compact shotgun. It saw action with the Union of Progressive Peoples, the Office of the Colonial Marshals, the Three World Empire, the United Americas, and the United States Colonial Marine Corps, and was regarded as the "little brother" of the DT-57 Medved shotgun.


Like the Medved before it, the Misha was designed by exiled Weyland-Yutani Corporation engineer Sophia Tamarkina for the Union of Progressive Peoples. After the success of the Medved and the Kerguelen revolt, Tamarkina was invited by UPP Governor–General Zhào Yǔxī to visit Novyy Kyyiv; during a dinner, the Governor–General presented Tamarkina with a challenge: to design a shotgun so small that it could be carried as a sidearm. The UPP State Council apparently had an "interest" in such a weapon and, as there was a debate at the time as to whether Kerguelen would be admitted to the UPP, Tamarkina accepted the challenge for the sake of her colony. Having already decided on an idea for such a weapon, and given all the resources she might need, Tamarkina kitbashed a prototype which was produced in six months and immediately put into production by the UPP upon completion.[1]


A modified DT-57 Medved, the Misha's double–barreled design gave it immense firepower in close–quarters combat, though also necessitated frequent reloading. The Misha shared many of its predecessor's qualities and flaws, but its pistol size also allowed it to be easily concealed. The Misha later became known primarily as a terrorist weapon, having been used in shipjackings and mass shootings, and was resultantly disowned by its designer. On more distant UPP outposts, the Medved was often used with a holster decorated with a patch of fabric from the user's grandparents.[1]

Notable users[]

The Misha was created in 2159 for the Union of Progressive Peoples' Ministry of Space Security. Its use was then expanded to colonial militias and the UPP's Space Operating Forces. The weapon was also made available to the Office of the Colonial Marshals, the Three World Empire's Royal Marines Commandos, and the United Americas' national services including the United States Colonial Marine Corps. The Ministry of Space Security also provided the Misha to extremist groups and cults in "corporatist" space.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

The DKT–59 Misha appears in Aliens: Fireteam Elite as part of the Season 4 update and can be acquired from Staff Sergeant Han-jae Park for 9600 Requisition Points. The Misha can be equipped by Technician, Doc and Phalanx classes.[1]




