
Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch, originally titled Batman versus Predator II, is a four-issue limited crossover comic book series that was first published by DC Comics and Dark Horse Comics from December 1993-March 1994. It was written by Doug Moench, pencilled by Paul Gulacy, inked by Terry Austin, colored by Carla Feeny and Lovern Kindzierski, lettered by Todd Klein, and edited by Michael Eury, Scott Peterson, Mike Carlin, Diana Schutz, Marilee Hord, Jenette Kahn and Darren J. Vincenzo, with cover art by Jackson Guice, Gulacy and Austin.

Bloodmatch was a sequel to 1991's wildly popular Batman versus Predator, and was followed by the further sequel Batman versus Predator III: Blood Ties.

In the overall Dark Horse crossover comics line, Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch was preceded by Predator versus Magnus, Robot Fighter, and was followed by Superman vs. Aliens.

Publisher's Summary[]

#1: Months ago, Batman narrowly defeated an alien hunter that terrorized Gotham City. In return, the creature's species vowed never again to use the Dark Knight's city as its hunting grounds... But a reckless young Predator with dreams of glory has chosen to break that vow and renews the hunt, seeking to overthrow the upstart human "Champion". While Batman is stalked by the Predator, hired assassins of a Gotham crimelord are also after the Dark Knight. Into this deadly game is drawn the Huntress and a duo of Predators seeking to salvage their race's honor by stopping the young rogue.

#2: Batman goes hand-to-hand with the renegade Predator while Commissioner Gordon lies in a coma. On the trail of both combatants is the Huntress... who arrives too late to save the Dark Knight from defeat in the first battle of this deadly war!

#3: The odds shift when Batman constructs a device that enables him to see the Predator despite the alien's invisibility. But that tactical advantage may prove short-lived when two more Predators arrive in Gotham City!

#4: Batman and the Huntress risk their lives in the final confrontation with the young turk Predator.



The Predator holds up the bat-signal to lure Batman.

During a heatwave in Gotham City, Batman, later accompanied by the Huntress, ambushes criminal Johnny Panetti after he murdered two others in a drug-deal. After being subdued by the two, Panetti informs Batman that a hit had been placed on him by the gangster Manny Terraro. Huntress herself is targeting Terraro due to his drug-distribution reaching several schoolchildren she teaches during the day. Meanwhile, a young Predator arrives at Gotham. Aware of Batman's previous encounter with a Predator, the latter is determined to hunt him down for himself. After killing the mercenary sniper 'Marks', who had trailed Batman, the hunter moves onto Gotham City Police Department, attacking Commissioner James Gordon and detaching the bat-signal. After encountering and knocking Huntress unconscious, the hunter lures Batman to Gotham's palisades, the latter unaware of the trap being set before him.


The Predator hangs Batman from a tree.

Batman arrives to see a tree with seven heads strung up, before he is suddenly attacked by the younger, more aggressive hunter. After a brutal brawl between the two, the Predator eventually defeats Batman and strings him upside down the tree, preparing to behead him. However, Huntress saves him, and the two manage to escape.


The Predator holds up the severed head of one of its trackers.

After infiltrating Terraro's quarters, Huntress is attacked by Chinese assassin Song Sung. Batman joins too, just before the Predator crashes through the wall and impales Terraro with his Combistick. The Predator escapes, and Batman encounters the headless corpse of a different hunter, only to encounter yet another Predator that emerges and retrieves his comrade's corpse. Batman concluded that the young hunter was being tracked by other Predators, only for their mission to bring him down to end in a failure.

After defeating the assassin, 'Demon-Man', Batman arrives at Gotham City Police Department and meets with Gordon, who plans to use the bat-signal to lure it to them. Batman activates his scrambler, and the police open fire at a de-cloaked Predator, though Batman tells them its the wrong target. The real target subsequently emerges and attacks the police, before kidnapping Lieutenant Stocker and fleeing.


Batman and Huntress fall from the sky as the Enforcer Predator's ship emerges.

Batman and Huntress return to the palisades, where they find the hunter's ship. They enter the ship before it takes off and begin battling the Predator. Though the Predator overpowers them, Stocker impales the creature with its combistick, before being decapitated by the latter. The Predator stumbles onto the ship's control panel, the combistick causing the ship mainframe to malfunction. Batman and Huntress escape from the ship and fall into Gotham's docks, witnessing the other Predators' ship arise from the waters. Batman manages to use the ship to break his and Huntress' fall, and they land in the docks whilst witnessing the ship crash into the renegade's ship, killing them both in a suicide attack.

Upon witnessing the bat-signal shine once again, this time in regards to a series of murders by the Joker, Batman and Huntress part ways, with Batman relieved that his subsequent task will be a man-hunt.


Reprint History[]

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Cover to Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch trade paperback by Simon Bisley.

After its initial publication under the original title Batman versus Predator II, the series received its current title, Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch, when it was collected as a trade paperback in January 1995, edited by Bob Kahan and Lynn Adair and featuring a new cover by artist Simon Bisley.

Batman versus Predator II: Bloodmatch was collected again as part of the DC Comics/Dark Horse Comics: Batman vs. Predator trade paperback, alongside the related stories Batman versus Predator and Batman versus Predator III: Blood Ties. The collection was released in June 2017. The cover art, by Mike Mignola, was taken from one of the trading cards included with the prestige edition of Batman versus Predator.

Behind the Scenes[]

Veteran comics writer Doug Moench has worked on numerous titles throughout his career including Shang-Chi Master of Kung-Fu for Marvel Comics and on Detective Comics for DC.

Artist Paul Gulacy has had a similarly full career in comics, often collaborating with Moench on Batman work and elsewhere.

Trade paperback edition cover artist Simon Bisley is famous for his work with Heavy Metal magazine, on the British comics character Judge Dredd, and on DC Comics' Lobo, among others. He also illustrated the story Aliens: Reapers and the cover of Dark Horse Presents: Aliens for Dark Horse.


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