"All the Alpha wants is Danny and the embryo he's carrying. It won't stop until it has him, and it's right on top of us."
Gabriel Cruz regarding the Alpha (from Alien: Bloodlines)

Specimen R5823-26A, more commonly referred to as the Alpha, was a unique Xenomorph Drone birthed aboard Epsilon Station. It was extracted as a Chestburster from Weyland-Yutani defence agent Gabriel Cruz after he and his squad were apprehended by Xenomorphs, the latter subsequently being impregnated.

Characteristics and Traits[]

The Alpha was a hulking Xenomorph of large size, visibly similar to that of a Praetorian. It's DNA Reflex stemmed both from human DNA, and that of the Corcoran Highland Goat species, showcased by its large curved head-crest, derivative of goat horns.



"When we got back to Epsilon, they cut it out of me just in time. Two minutes slower, I'd have been torn apart like the rest of my team had been. That was Epsilon's first Xenomorph... The one all our work was based on. The Alpha."
Gabriel Cruz (from Alien)

In the year 2200, after Weyland-Yutani Defence Agent Gabriel Cruz and his squad boarded the livestock and freight ship Hadley for investigation, the crew were met with a herd bloodied and disfigured Corcoran Highland Goat. They were subsequently attacked by hordes of Xenomorphs born from the goats, and impregnated within their hive. Cruz emerged the sole survivor, returning to Epsilon Station to have his Chestburster surgically removed mere minutes before his birthing. The resultant specimen was the Alpha, the Company's first acquired Xenomorph.

Infestation aboard Epsilon[]

"The Alpha is your legacy at the company. That's the only reason you're not in prison right now. Try bringing Danny back without it, you'll both spend the rest of your lives in prison for corporate terrorism. Once you've got it? Sure, save Danny too, if you can. We're not monsters. But the work you did with the Alpha is gonna save the world someday."
Ted Reynolds to Gabriel Cruz (from Alien)

Following Gabriel Cruz' encounter with the Xenomorph species, the company established a bio-lab within Epsilon Station to grow and study several specimens, amongst them the Alpha. Cruz was lauded a hero for his efforts, and was assigned as chief of security aboard the station. Eventually, however, he was forced into retirement following the revelation that Cruz was suffering from an illness.

Several days following Gabriel Cruz' retirement, his son, Danny, alongside members of the extremist Minute Hand Movement managed to access the complex's biolabs, causing the station to plunge into chaos and culminating in a Xenomorph infestation. To avoid prosecution, Cruz was assigned by the Company to return to the station and retrieve the Alpha embryo, alongside defence agents Hamilton and Lewandowski. Upon arriving at the station, they found it in a dilapidated state and the Alpha missing.


The Alpha and a brood of Xenos.

With Lewandowski killed and the group escorted by Cruz' Synthetic counsellor, Bishop, they entered the hive, and encounter Danny, Facehugged. Alongside Iris Humphries, they take Danny with them and attempt to escape the station. Hamilton was killed in the chaos, and the fully-grown Alpha was now hunting them down, intent on retrieving Danny. Hearing the sound of it tailing them, Cruz had Bishop and Iris go to one of the station's exec quarters that was outfitted with a life-raft. Knowing that the Alpha was bent on retrieving Danny for the embryo he carried, Cruz opted to take the "long way around" and fled with his son as the creature chased after him.

The Alpha pursued Cruz closely, wounding him in the shoulder with its tail, though Cruz was eventually able to access the life-raft, alongside Bishop and Iris. Leaving behind a belt of grenades in the Alpha and its brood's wake.

Pursuing Cruz and Death[]


The Alpha and Cruz are killed as they are propelled into space.

Unbeknownst to Cruz, the Alpha had managed to climb aboard the life-raft, and emerged before Cruz when he was forced to sever the raft from the station after Ted Reynolds initiated a deliberate fall from orbit in an attempt to kill Cruz. The Alpha charged Cruz, the latter stabbing it with a Maintenance Jack. Upon releasing the tool from the creature, acid blood eventually reaches one of the station's air tanks, causing an explosion that propelled both the Alpha and Cruz into space. Fire from the explosion would eventually engulf the two as they drifted into space, killing them both.




  1. Ridley Scott, Laurence F. Knapp, Andrea F. Kulas. Ridley Scott: Interviews, p. 47 (2005), University Press of Mississippi.

See Also[]
