
This article covers the known maps in the 2014 video game Alien: Isolation, including every map in the released game as well as the known unreleased maps that were cut from the finished product.

Off Sevastopol[]

Map Name Status Description Picture
BSP_LV426_Pt01 Used LV-426, including the Anesidora hangar and view over to the derelict.
Lv426 1
BSP_LV426_Pt02 Used LV-426, inside the derelict.
Lv426 2
BSP_LV426_Pt03 Cut LV-426, cut from the game, presumed to be inside Anesidora. This can be seen in some concept art.
Lv426 3
BSP_P01_TwoTeams Cut A map cut from the game, presumed to be a prologue to the main campaign where the player could control multiple characters, similar to how the Crew Expendable DLC works.
BSP_Patna Cut The Patna, a medical transport vessel cut from the game. This can be seen in multiple pieces of concept art.
BSP_Torrens Used The Torrens, including the hypersleep area, canteen, medical area and bridge.
Solace Used Originally for the Solace, this map was re-purposed as the interior of the Anesidora in the final game. The Solace can be seen in concept art and animation references in the game files.

Sevastopol - Lorenz SysTech Spire[]

Map Name Status Description Picture
TECH_Comms Used Seegson Communications, including the external comms array.
TECH_Hub Used The central area of the SysTech Spire that the transit connects to. Includes the server hub, archive room and Lorenz SysTech lobby.
TECH_MuthrCore Used APOLLO, including the server banks.
TECH_RnD Used Gemini Exoplanet Solutions
TECH_RnD_HzdLab Used The Project KG-348 research labs, including the detachable lab. This section was used heavily in pre-release screenshots and videos, as well as the first playable demo. The first playable demo was nicknamed "Showlevel" and some demo-specific script names can be found in the game, along with some fog for the demo opening sequence. The "Showlevel" demo is still able to be seen on SteamDB, however unfortunately it is not open to the public for download.

Sevastopol - SciMed Tower[]

Map Name Status Description Picture
SCI_AndroidLab Used This map contains the entirety of Seegson Synthetics. This includes the Components Warehouse, Android Disposal, the Synthetic Showroom and Facility Administration. The transit station to APOLLO can be found here.
SCI_HospitalLower Used San Cristobal Medical lower floors, including the Ambulance Bay, Medical Reception, Medical Wards and Operating Theatre. This area was also used a lot in pre-release demos similar to the Project KG-348 labs. Mission 6 in the final game (M10_HOSPITAL_PLAYABLE) ended up using an alternate version of the E3 demo on this map, utilising a series of different animations and sequences from the original non-E3 mission.
SCI_HospitalUpper Used San Cristobal Medical upper floors, including Dr. Kuhlman's office, Psychiatric Wards, Staff Quarters and Patient Rooms.
SCI_Hub Used The central area of the SciMed Tower where the transit arrives, leading to the upper and lower areas of San Cristobal Medical, and Seegson Synthetics. The Transit Control area can be accessed through an elevator.
Sci hub

Sevastopol - Solomons Habitation Tower[]

Map Name Status Description Picture
HAB_Airport Used The area where Amanda initially arrives on Sevastopol, including the Spaceflight Terminal and baggage reclaim area. Also contains Axel's den and lower airport sections where Axel and Amanda meet looters, believed to be repurposed from the cut ENG_DryDockCargo map.
HAB_CorporatePent Used The Corporate Penthouses, including the two transit waiting areas, canteen, projector room, library, entertainment terminals and games room.
HAB_ShoppingCentre Used The Solomons Galleria, including the Colonial Marshal bureau and transit station.

Sevastopol - Engineering Platform[]

Map Name Status Description Picture
ENG_Alien_Nest Used The Hive below the Reactor Core, it can only be accessed through the Reactor Core on mission 14 by an elevator.
ENG_CoolingPlant Cut Sevastopol's Cooling Plant. There is some concept art which seems to depict the Cooling Plant.
ENG_DryDock / ENG_DryDockCargo Cut The Dry Dock is where Henry Marlow and Amanda go to blow up The Anesidora in the alternate storyline. Two versions of the Dry Dock (Dry Dock and Dry Dock Cargo) are found referenced in the game files, with the latter seemingly being repurposed for the lower section of HAB_Airport where Axel's den is located. A crew patch is seen in the game for the "Hangar Crew", and a cut badge is shown in concept art for the "Commercial Docks" which is possibly from the Dry Dock.
ENG_Gravity_Anchor Cut Amanda would visit this area in the mission codenamed "M29_PLAN_B". She would turn off the gravity anchors causing Sevastopol to begin crashing into KG-348. Lots of concept art exists of the gravity anchors as well as sounds left over in the game files, however no in-game screenshots have been seen.
ENG_ReactorCore Used This map includes the Reactor Core and Facility Management areas. A significant portion of this map is re-used from the game's IL3 demo.
ENG_TowPlatform Used This map includes the Tow Platform, second Hive (plus the ruined transit tunnels leading away from the Hive) and docking clamp.
ENG_WasteChute Cut The Waste Chute was an area cut from the final game which would take the player around a tall circular room, as shown in some concept art. It is possible that the player would have had to time walking around this area to avoid the waste being dumped, similar to how the player has to avoid the steam vents when walking along the ledge in Seegson Synthetics.
ENG_WasteManagement Cut The Waste Management area of Sevastopol. There is some concept art that seems to show this area.

DLC Maps (Nostromo, Survivor Mode, Salvage Mode)[]

Map Name Status Description Picture
BSPNostromo_Ripley Used The Last Survivor DLC map on the Nostromo.
BSPNostromo Ripley
BSPNostromo_TwoTeams Used The Crew Expendable DLC map on the Nostromo.
BSPNostromo TwoTeams
ChallengeMap1 Used "Blast Seat" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of The Trigger DLC pack.
ChallengeMap2 Cut This map was reworked into the Safe Haven DLC pack, becoming the Bacchus Apartments.
ChallengeMap2 - presumed
ChallengeMap3 Used "Overrun" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Trauma DLC pack.
ChallengeMap4 Used "Severance" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Corporate Lockdown DLC pack.
ChallengeMap5 Used "Scorched Earth" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Corporate Lockdown DLC pack.
ChallengeMap6 Cut This map was reworked into the Lost Contact DLC pack, becoming the Lorenz Private Wards.
ChallengeMap6 - presumed
ChallengeMap7 Used "Reoperation" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Trauma DLC pack.
ChallengeMap8 Cut Not much is known about this map, however it is referenced in the game files and could have potentially been planned to form a 6th DLC pack for the game. A 6th DLC pack is visible on Steam and SteamDB but not available for purchase.
ChallengeMap9 Used "Crawl Space" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Trauma DLC pack.
ChallengeMap10 Cut This map was reworked into the Safe Haven DLC pack, becoming Gemini Secondary Systems.
ChallengeMap10 - presumed
ChallengeMap11 Used "Loose Ends" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of the Corporate Lockdown DLC pack.
ChallengeMap12 Used "Damage Control" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of The Trigger DLC pack.
ChallengeMap13 Cut This map was reworked into the Lost Contact DLC pack, becoming the S6 Emergency Power Plant.
ChallengeMap13 - presumed
ChallengeMap14 Used "The Package" - a Survivor Mode map available as part of The Trigger DLC pack.
ChallengeMap15 Cut Not much is known about this map, however it is referenced in the game files and could have potentially been planned to form a 6th DLC pack for the game. A 6th DLC pack is visible on Steam and SteamDB but not available for purchase.
ChallengeMap16 Used "The Basement" - a free Survivor Mode map included with the game.
SalvageMode1 Used "Safe Haven" - the only map in the Safe Haven DLC pack, containing Gemini Secondary Systems and the Bacchus Apartments.
SalvageMode2 Used "Lost Contact" - the only map in the Lost Contact DLC pack, containing the Lorenz Private Wards and the S6 Emergency Power Plant.
DLC1_TECH_Comms / DLC_DLC1_TECH_Comms Cut Titled "TECH - Comms", this is seemingly a rework of Seegson Communications for DLC. In-game flavour text: "The Downloadable Content level DLC_DLC1_TECH_Comms"
DLC2_SCI_Hospital / DLC_DLC2_SCI_Hospital Cut Titled "SCI - Hospital", this is seemingly a rework of part of the San Cristobal Medical facility for DLC. In-game flavour text: "The Downloadable Content level DLC_DLC2_SCI_Hospital"
DLC3_HAB_AIRPORT / DLC_DLC3_HAB_AIRPORT Cut Titled "HAB - Airport", this is seemingly a rework of the Spaceflight Terminal for DLC. In-game flavour text: "The Downloadable Content level DLC_DLC3_HAB_AIRPORT"
DLC4_HAB_ShoppingCentre / DLC_DLC4_HAB_ShoppingCentre Cut Titled "HAB - Shopping Centre", this is seemingly a rework of part of Solomons Galleria for DLC. In-game flavour text: "The Downloadable Content level DLC_DLC4_HAB_ShoppingCentre"
DLC5_Penthouse / DLC_DLC5_Penthouse Cut Titled "Penthouse", this is potentially a rework (or original map) of Sevastopol's penthouses, which were cut from the game's main story but later seen in some shipped DLC maps. In-game flavour text: "The Downloadable Content level DLC_DLC5_Penthouse"
DLC_03 Cut Unknown
BSP_DLC_04 Cut Unknown

Transition Maps[]

  • EXT_CorpToShop
  • EXT_TechToEng
  • EXT_TorrensToAirport
  • TRANS_HabToTech
  • TRANS_SamuelsExpress
  • TRANS_SciToHab

The EXT_* maps would have most likely been used for the inter-tower transit shuttles, which were used heavier in the game's original cut storyline. The TRANS_* maps would have been used for the transit cars. Both EXT_* and TRANS_* are from level streaming tests, loading the next map without showing a loading screen. This functionality didn't make it to the final release of the game due to time constraints, and instead, players are shown a video loading screen during level transitions.

See Also[]
