A Decade of Dark Horse is a 4-issue comic book anthology series that was published by Dark Horse Comics from July-October 1996. Released to commemorate Dark Horse's 10th anniversary, the series was a collection of new short stories created by the individuals behind some of the company's most famous and influential comic books.[1] As part of the series, both Aliens and Predator comics were featured.
As well as the four original issues, a single collected issue containing all of the individual stories from series, entitled Decade: A Dark Horse Short Story Collection, was published in April 1997.
Note that only Aliens, Predator and Aliens vs. Predator content is listed below. The series also contained numerous other comic book stories, but these have been omitted as they are irrelevant to the franchise.
Issue 1 (July 1996) | |
Issue 3 (Sept 1996)
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Decade: A Dark Horse Short Story Collection (Apr 1997)
- ↑ "Dark Horse Comics - A Decade of Dark Horse #1". Retrieved on 2016-02-16.