So I just got done sinning it and diving in depth on the films flaws and honestly, I dont understand how some people hate this film
To go into why I think it's the best I'm going to be comparing it to the original film to show how good it is
First off Characters
The characters are great, they are all interesting and stand out in this film, granted the ones in the original film stand out too but the advantage these characters have over them is growth, throughout the film we see these highly dangerous killers slowly change and trust one another to the point of self sacrifice
Nikolai took out the Tracker Predator to take it down with him and give the others a fighting chance
Stan distracted the Berserker Predator knowing full well he would likely die in order to help them escape, he went from at their throats to helping them and even got mad when Royce left the group and it got Mombasa the guy that he was fighting to the death with killed
Hanzo fought off and Falconer and took it down with him
All these characters were horrible people who slowly begin to redeem themselves and sacrifice themselves to help others
The characters in the original Predator film dont really grow, yes they protect one another but they already did that to begin with, there was no chance of character for basically every character, the only one that got character growth was Dillon ironically who went from calling them expendable to fighting to the death to protect them
No other character really has any change of heart other than maybe Mac but it wasn't really a change for the better
Both films contribute alot, the original film does have the undeniable advantage of setting the lore up to begin with but I think Predators can nearly match it
Predators introduces alot of fascinating ideas to the movie series such as the introduction of the Bad Blood Predators into film, the introduction to the idea of a game preserve planet, Introduced a new subspecies of Predator to the franchise as a whole, had the first Predator vs Predator fight and so much more
But it not only brings in alot of new and fascinating ideas but balances old ideas as well, something that Predator 2 didn't do too well was balancing the old lore with the new stuff it introduced, but with Predators it doesn't feel like the new stuff overshadows the old stuff, everything is well balanced together to pay homage while at the same time inventing new unique ideas and doing character development all at the same time
So this movie was immensely better logic wise, and I know that sounds stupid in a film about aliens hunting other aliens and humans on a game preserve planet but there were alot of stupid moments in the original film that put me off at times at how dumb they made the scene feel, theres a certain extent to how far you can go with ignoring logic and Predator went across that line quite abit
The main thing that held down the sin count was the fact that there were so many iconic lines and it made the Predator franchise, but otherwise it honestly isnt too good
I wanted to make this comparison because I feel like alot of people brush off anything other than the classic film just because they dknt have stuff like Dutch, while I'm all for respecting a franchises roots I wish more people appreciated the other stuff, Predator 2 honestly wasn't that bad and Predators is a fantastic film with loads of new ideas while still keeping true to lore previously established
I think that's about it for now