Sounds a bit like the prometheus theme for sure. I wonder if it is a coincidence or it was ripped off by the film makers.
This is a discussion section where we are entitled to our opinion and my answer was not Kay, who you seem to have an unhealthy obssession with if the multiple threads I had to delete was anything to go by.
There is nothing special about her character and it does not matter that she didn't know what the chemical would do because any smart person would not inject themselves with an unknown chemical, period.
There should not be an AVP 3. It should be rebooted, fresh start with no connection to the previous disasters.
Navarro, since her death is more drawn out and chestbursting is pretty much one of the worst ways to go.
Kay was a bit of an idiot for injecting herself with an unknown substance.
Actually I think the crusher is the praetorian form of a Runner. I will need to check out the info again to be sure.
Predator vs terminator has actually been done, there was a comic called Alien vs Predator vs terminator which featured Ripley 8
Neca's has a habit of having wild biographies on their products, sometimes even incorrect, so they are not to be taken as canon.
That was before Prometheus though.
Yeah they were shown to be massive creatures with trunks before prometheus. Destroying Angel was a good comic, didn't like how big the Ultramorph was though, it was way too big. Aliens are usually only a few feet taller than their host, not multiple meters.
The guy in the video is clearly speculating too, sources back up that they are one and the same and his argument has holes.
The engineer wasn't fossilized either, that requires being buried.
I think the drones were only active for a about a week or so by the time Amanda arrives, The drones on LV-426 were active for at least three to four weeks given the communication cut off.
Theories are fine don't worry.
I would say the Ripley bloodline would be extremely unlucky if such a theory was true though, especially if you take into account Ripley 8 and Decker.
A search yourself instead of asking me. I was given an example but if you want to be nitpicky about it then search yourself.
B exaclty, its an easter. John is dead and not a part of the universe but still the player gets to use them as a father, its just an easter egg, nothing more.
C. I wasn't vague, I told you what an easter egg is and I said I know someone who is in contact with fox and thus frequently tells us what is and what isn't canon. This isn't the only AVP site I am on.
Unfortunately they are indeed intended to be one and the same which spoils the original creature quite a lot, not only are they now less alien (now simply being tall albino humanoids) but their tech seems more metallic than biomech, they are shorter and the sheer size difference means its unlikly this is just a variation in individual size.
I have heard some decent theories that Engineers simply worshipped the space jockies and modeled their tech design after them but were otherwise a different species, but unfortunately Scott made it clear they are supposed to be and the same.
Its highly doubtful though, too contrived for one thing. That would be three generations of the same bloodline encountering Aliens, extremely unlikely in most circumstances.
While it can be fun to imagine what ifs and all, there is really no need to do so.
Reminds of when Prometheus came out and there was "fans" that believed Charles was Peter's father despite Scott making it clear its a different continuity. lol
I did say find sources too, I noticed your edit got reverted for speculation. Got to have sources for that kind of thing.
Yes they have actually. They have made it clear they are not in the same universe, they just like to reference their other work. it would be stupid if someone actually thought John from RDR is really the gtao protagonist's father............Its a fun reference, nothing canon about easter eggs.
Same goes for the alien universe, someone I have spoken to who had contact with fox has made it clear what is and what is not canon. You don't have to like it but "that's the way it is" as the song goes.
I just did confirmed it for you. They are not canon to each other its an easter egg. You would to have something wrong with not to realize what an easter egg is. Directors like to reference past movies, sometimes even past franchises. This happens in games too, Red Dead is not canon to GTA but because its by the same folks (rockstar) they constantly reference each other.
Well it was a poor fan service, turning a cosmic horror into a creation of a malfunction robot. I wonder if Fox actually forced him to add the Alien in Covenant too, because for all we know the Neomorphs may have originally been the main threat.
Predator is actually a seperate licence, it is complicated and messy but basically Alien is its own universe with no such thing as Predators, but Predator universe does have aliens in them, its sort of a one sided crossover like Judge dredd vs Alien. Canon to JD but not to Alien.