How did this happen? Seegson grows faster than W.Y., but maintains a friendlier rivalry. This allows space travel to ramp up faster. The Vela Incident is confirmed to have been a nuclear screw-up by 2026, but occurs much further SW than in our timeline (and the Alien timeline), directly over Bouvet, causing the Yatuja pyramid to be destroyed. They are unaware until 2085. Humans and bugs had created an incredibly loose alliance 2 years prior to 2085. (We're often "baptized by nuclear fire" in Stellaris after all, and have always been incredibly expansionist.) The xenos come to aid the humans by 2086 as per the decisions of X'ara I. The Yatuja Terran War ends by 2090 with large casualties on both sides, including X'ara I, who was given a ritual burial with her upper half sent back to Acheron, and her lower half being buried in the Paris Catacombs. The Union was formed 3 years after The War in 2093 wit the alliance becoming official. The next Queen Mother was Yhwh I; however, she was extremly unpopular, even with bugs, and was deposed in 2109 and replaced with X'ara II a year later. {"X'ara" in English is "Sera", by the way.}