56 Votes in Poll
She is a cutie
I think he will create a Queen
I think the Predalien is stronger and would tear them apart
The games: yes
The movie: not really
56 Votes in Poll
I saw this theory on youtube in the comments
What if Ripley and Clemens concieved a child when they slept together in Alien 3 and somehow this child lead to the newborn in Resurrection? Maybe the DNA of the unborn child mixed up with the queencl
It was the only thing I didnt like in the special edition the dog scene was way more disturbing unlike the ox
3 and ressurection was scarier
Slighty but it was too cool to be scary
We would be all fucked up.
I think they would spread very fast even on other continents and the people couldnt handle them except if they drop some nukes on australia to eradicate them fast
Sometime I got dreams about the dragon from Alien 3 and take part in the bait and chase plan with the other convicts. I got many situations: running into it, was not fast enough or fall to the ground, got one of the doors closed before me cause one convict was afraid, thinked I was save but then was circled by it and so on
Its always awesome
In requiem I cant see a thing
It was way more emotional than the ox and it shouldnt have changed in the special edition
I would like to have a runner and would call him rex. He just would protect me and be my friend
Not really I like the special edition the way it is but I think they should change the canon and say that 3 und resurrection are dreams that the solacco crew had on their way home in hypersleep.
I think its an "ancestor" of the xenomorph species or maybe the original xenomorph and David later "modified" them
Yeah maybe
In my opinion even cm was better