Either 2 or 2010
I agree it's my favorite too but idk about the characters there wernt all bad but most were to me a little bit but other then that i loved this one the interdiction of bad bloods was nise as well
Well it's finished in the non cannon avpvt but i don't know
I wouldn't mind a reboot
I prefer them actually but as there own thing
Because Prometheus is what there trying to follow now a days mostly
Sadley no probably not
I loved how cinematic that fight was
I like hunter a lot more then the upgrade one the predator shouldn't have never happened
That's why i like avp as a whole other thing
Yea ok then i don't know if it can be done but good luck
But for any of it to work you'd have to consider everything wouldn't you?
I think it makes more sense to have avp it's own timeline cause then you have to throw in fire and stone and life and death into the mix as well
Why do you like it anyway any particular reason?
I'm going with the berserker
Angular for sure
Read the comics and play the games they pretty much are
Upgrade predator due to size
Yea tell me about it
That's pretty much the just of it it's like terminator