Hicks is alive and that’s that.
As cool as this movie really is, we can all agree that it’s pretty gross. Think of it, remember the scene when Ellen is in a literal nest of Zenomorph eggs laying around and then she strait up shoots the egg maker thing on the queen Alien and white stuff come squirting out. It’s funny that I watched this with my best friend and we just joked about the whole movie [example] When Ellen gives the hot chocolate to the little girl and says “Its hot chocolate” and then I whisper in his ear “It’s poison”. In conclusion this was a 4.5 out of 5 movie but it still doesn’t beat Alien 3
Are there any star ships used by the colonial marines that aren't really well known by the fanbase?
I'm pretty good at drawing their heads it seems but most of it looks like a 3rd graders drawing.
Hi all. Been meaning to share this with you all for a while now but I kept forgetting. Wanted to share a piece of Alien merchandise that more people should know about.
Alien: Fate of the Nostromo. It's genuinely the best board game I've ever played and it's made with so much love for the material. It's also gorgeous. I usually decant my board games into ziplock bags for space, but I've kept this one in-box because it's so nice.
The basic idea is to avoid the Xenomorph and escape the ship. You collect various items and complete missions, while avoiding the Xenomorph. If you manage it all, you win.
Presentation-wise, this game is beautiful from start to finish. When you open the lid of the box, you're greeted with this:
So the cat jump-scares you like the film. Actually grinned when I first saw that.
These are the main playing pieces. They're all beautifully sculpted and really spot on. The Xenomorph moves during gameplay as well, so you have to plan around it. Makes it genuinely tense as you go.
Everything is presented with in-universe company designs, so the rules are presented as a transmission, and the character sheets have life-like drawings of the cast presented as employee badges.
Each crew member has a different skill and amount of stuff they can carry, so the game is different depending on who is in play.
You can also make the game more challenging by adding Ash in, and he works against you. There's a 2D piece for him, which is a shame, but as he's an optional piece I get it. There's also a 2D alien piece for tracking how much of an effect it's having on the crew's mental health, and if they become totally hopeless you lose.
There's a set of missions you have to do, and then a final mission to escape. They've all got beautiful artwork and they're randomised when you start, so the game will be different each time. These cards are the final missions.
Gameplay goes around the group, and sees you move according to your character sheet. You need to complete the objectives of each mission. When you complete your movement, you get a card that can either help you or the Xenomorph. The Xenomorph hunts the closest person, so you can strategise where to send it to help your objectives. If the Xenomorph catches you, your character flees and the crew's sanity is reduced. You lose it all, you lose the game. Jonesy is also stalking the ship and can jumpscare you like the film. That also reduces sanity. You can counter this by getting the cat carrier. There are also weapons and tools that can control Xenomorph interactions and help you complete tasks.
Once the end mission starts, there's a chance that the ship will begin its self-destruct sequence. This is represented via an image of the four rods from the film, which countdown as you complete a "round" of go's. You have to complete the final mission before the rods finish.
The entire game is incredibly well thought out. The various elements they've used really do create tension and even fear, and are very effective. The brilliant art and imagery, and the high-quality presentation, really helps draw you into the world.
It's a great game and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone who likes the Alien films. It's definitely my favourite board game. Beautifully presented and perfectly thought out.
I am huge huge huge fan of the alien genre ever since the 1979 movie. And every prequel after as well as predator. I want to start reading more about it pacifically maybe comic books but don’t know where to start. I have a few that I bought off eBay but none of them look like they’re in order. Does it matter a lot or would I just be in the middle of a story if I read one of these. By the way I’m new to comics🙄
Alien (1979) 7 Kills (5 Humans that are 4 Males and 1 Female, 1 Synthetic & 1 Xenomorph Drone)
Tell me if i counted correct
Okay, so huge fan of Alien and Aliens. I had seen all of the Alien franchise (including AVP and AVPR), with the exception of Prometheus and Alien: Covenant up until tonight. I watched both Prometheus and Alien: Covenant tonight and it left me with A LOT of questions and confusion. Just going based SOLELY on what was shown and said in the films, I feel like there’s a lot of continuity issues (which I know have been discussed at length on here). But I guess one of my biggest questions is how did they know the Engineer they sent to Earth to create the human race was going to disintegrate and “seed” the Earth?
In Alien: Covenant, David describes that the “virus”, or black goo as we so lovingly refer to it, will either kill its host or basically create some iteration of a Xenomorph. We know this is true because of the flash back of him dropping the black goo down from the heavens upon the Engineers on Planet 4. So how in the blazes did the Engineers in Prometheus know that the dude they sent down to Earth wouldn’t just end up hosting a morph of some kind?!
Also, where does the black goo even come from? And why did Dr. Shaw just assume that the Engineers wanted to go back to Earth to destroy humans? They never showed anything to suggest that, in my opinion. The Engineer who was still alive just seemed like he was annoyed that he had been awaken from his slumber and he just wanted to get home to his people! Idk about you, but if a bunch of tiny humans woke me up and all my buddies were dead, I’d be trying to steal their ship to try and get home to my family too.
AND in Prometheus they never confirmed what the Engineers were trying to get away from/ what killed them! Ugh the frustration and confusion is real.
Food for thought…
I can't find on Google who's the actress who does the voice of the atmosphere processor In "Aliens"... in J.W.Rinzler's "The making of Aliens", page 260, says James Cameron added the female voice like last minute, as a tie-in to "Alien"'s Mother, but no mention of whose voice it is... also no mention of her at the credits. Who's she?
As somebody who loves the Dark Horse Aliens comics I’m curious as to what everyone’s favorite Aliens comics are, For me it’s
Dead Orbit
Nightmare asylum
Dust to Dust
I was going through an old hard drive today and came across a bunch of alien related stuff I had saved from when I was a kid. The most peculiar was this figure of Cocooned Brett which looks nothing like it did in the film but I still think it's an awesome figure. I tried looking up the site and googling images but nothing came up. Out of curiosity I reverse image searched this and not a single result came up! So, I figured I'd post this here to sort of archive the existence of this cool figure. I assume this is a custom job but if it isn't and someone has one they're looking to sell, please let me know. What do you all think of this?