80 Votes in Poll
63 Votes in Poll
That's it
1719 - Prey
1987 - Predator
1997 - Predator 2
2004 - Alien vs. Predator
2004 - Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem
2018 - The Predator
2023 - TED Conference, 2023
2024 - Predators
2075 - Weyland Industries Testimonial
2079 - Happy Birthday, David
2089 - Quit Eye: Elizabeth Shaw
2091 - Prometheus Transmission
2093 - Prometheus
2094 - The Crossing
2??? - Meet Walter
2103 - Phobos
2103 - The Last Supper
2104 - Alien: Covenant
2104 - Advent
2117 - David’s Lab: Last Signs of Life
2122 - Alien
2142 - Alien: Romulus
2179 - Aliens
2179 - AlienÂł
2381 - Alien: Resurrection
Found this awesome crossover story of Alien(s) and Species. Not only is it very well written, the writer really did their homework on everything to get all the info right and really blend these two franchises together to create a crossover on par with Alien vs Predator. Check it out.
I'm pretty good at drawing their heads it seems but most of it looks like a 3rd graders drawing.
I am huge huge huge fan of the alien genre ever since the 1979 movie. And every prequel after as well as predator. I want to start reading more about it pacifically maybe comic books but don’t know where to start. I have a few that I bought off eBay but none of them look like they’re in order. Does it matter a lot or would I just be in the middle of a story if I read one of these. By the way I’m new to comics🙄
Okay, so huge fan of Alien and Aliens. I had seen all of the Alien franchise (including AVP and AVPR), with the exception of Prometheus and Alien: Covenant up until tonight. I watched both Prometheus and Alien: Covenant tonight and it left me with A LOT of questions and confusion. Just going based SOLELY on what was shown and said in the films, I feel like there’s a lot of continuity issues (which I know have been discussed at length on here). But I guess one of my biggest questions is how did they know the Engineer they sent to Earth to create the human race was going to disintegrate and “seed” the Earth?
In Alien: Covenant, David describes that the “virus”, or black goo as we so lovingly refer to it, will either kill its host or basically create some iteration of a Xenomorph. We know this is true because of the flash back of him dropping the black goo down from the heavens upon the Engineers on Planet 4. So how in the blazes did the Engineers in Prometheus know that the dude they sent down to Earth wouldn’t just end up hosting a morph of some kind?!
Also, where does the black goo even come from? And why did Dr. Shaw just assume that the Engineers wanted to go back to Earth to destroy humans? They never showed anything to suggest that, in my opinion. The Engineer who was still alive just seemed like he was annoyed that he had been awaken from his slumber and he just wanted to get home to his people! Idk about you, but if a bunch of tiny humans woke me up and all my buddies were dead, I’d be trying to steal their ship to try and get home to my family too.
AND in Prometheus they never confirmed what the Engineers were trying to get away from/ what killed them! Ugh the frustration and confusion is real.
Food for thought…
A three-player cooperative survival shooter coming to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Windows PC (via Steam), Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.
Thoughts? Opinions?
Anyone want to see a crossover with Alien and Species? I think it would be pretty interesting. The Facehugger could even impregnate the Species in it for a Species-Xenomorph hybrid that has the same regenerative ability and is even more deadly. It can be kind of like Alien vs. Predator: Requiem (only good). The Species lore can even tie into the Alien/Prometheus lore, like the alien DNA that was obtained to create Sil came from the Engineers. They could even have a battle between the Species and the Species-Xenomorph hybrid. Does this sound interesting to anyone?
During Disney Investor Day 2020, we learned that there will be a new series about the Alien. The series will be on Disney's HULU streaming platform. The director of the new series about the alien will be Noah Hawley, the creator of such series as "Fargo" or "Legion" and the Producer is Ridley Scott, known to all fans as the alien creator who has interfered with the brand many times. The plot of the series is unknown, but we got two very important information that the future will happen on earth. In my opinion, this is an interesting theme that was not touched on in the movies only in Alien Resurrection we could see (and in the director's version) what the earth looks like, although the Resurrection takes place in a very distant future, so we do not know what the earth looked like before. Will Noah Hawley be able to deal with the Alien series? And then a sequel that omits the plot and coherence of the story. In my opinion, the show can turn out well, provided Scott doesn't interfere as much.
Podczas Disney Investor Day 2020 dowiedzieliśmy się że będzie nowy serial o Obcym. Serial będzie na platformie streamingowej HULU należącej do Disney'a.
Reżyserem nowego serialu o obcym będzie Noah Hawley twórca takich seriali jak "Fargo" czy "Legion" a Producentem Ridley Scott czyli dla wszystkich fanów znany jako stwórca obcego który wiele razy ingerował w tą markę. Fabuła serialu jest puki co nieznana lecz dostaliśmy dwie bardzo ważne informacje że będzie dziać się w niedalekiej przyszłości na ziemi. Moim zdaniem jest to ciekawy motyw który niebył poruszany stosowany w filmach jedynie w Alien Resurrection mogliśmy zobaczyc ( i to w wersji reżyserskiej ) jak wygląda ziemia chociaż Resurrection dzieje się w bardzo dalekiej przyszłości więc niewiadomo jak wyglądał ziemia wcześniej. Czy Noah Hawley da radę z seralem o obcym mam nadzieje że tak gdyż jest to debiut Obcego na serialowym ekranie i niezbyd dobrze by było gdyby się to nie udało. Z tej dwójki bał bym się bardziej Scott'a gdyż on lubi wrzucać do swojich filmów motywy religijne i odpowiadać na pytania o powstawaniu ludzkość ( Prometheus ), też jego ostatni powrót do serii nie zadziałał i stworzył pierw film który próbuje być mądrym z beznadziejnym rezultatem a potem kontynuację która pomija większość wątków i tworzy nie spójną historię.
Moim zdaniem serial może wypaś dobrze pod warunkiem że Scott nie będzie się aż tak się wtrącał.
134 Votes in Poll
As somebody who loves the aliens comics, I was wondering on whether people think the comics are cannon or not
As somebody who loves the Dark Horse Aliens comics I’m curious as to what everyone’s favorite Aliens comics are, For me it’s
Dead Orbit
Nightmare asylum
Dust to Dust
[Angielski] Prometheus is the worst alien movie ever made (in my opinion).
The movie is stupid, predictable and tagically written. The scenario is terrible, the heroes from stage to stage become tricky morons, for example: smacking a cosmic cobra, getting lost in a straight corridor or an idiotic death by a cosmic onion circle. Engineers kill without reason the people they created (why?) At the beginning of the film. The actors are played tragically (except for Fassbender and Elba who are well played). The only pluses in this movie are the special effects, the visuals and maybe a little GOR but these things will make the movie a bit more enjoyable. To sum up this movie is a total disaster Ridley you shouldn't be making this movie out of these times!
[Polski] Prometeusz to najgorszy film z uniwersum obcego jaki kiedykolwiek powstał(według mnie).
Film jest głupi, przewidywalny i tagicznie napisany. Scenariusz nietrzyma się kupy, bohaterowie ze sceny na scenę stają się kąpletnymi kretynami np: mizanie kosmicznej kobry, zgubienie się w prostym korytarzu czy idiotyczna śmierć prze kosmiczny krąrzek cebulowy. Inżyniży bez powody zabijają ludzi których napoczątku filmu sami stworzyli (czemu?). Aktorzy są zagrani tragicznie (oprócz Fassbendera i Elby którzy są dobrze zagrani). Jedynymi plusami w tym filmie są efekty specialne, efekty wizualne i może trochę GOR ale te rzeczy ninaprawią filmu tylko umilają trochę oglądanie. Podsumowując ten film to totalna katastrofa Ridley nie powinieneś robić tego filmu nie w tych czasach!