106 Votes in Poll
You would prefer to play those games on something other than a computer?
Yes because I don't have a working PC, I haven't for many years.
Not everyone has got top notch pcs and they who want them have to fork out quite a bit of money.
I would be happy if AvP 2 would be at least in steam. I love this game but I cant find it :(
I want both.
I really want a re-release of the original two AVP games. Mainly AVP 2. I remember I played that around when it came out back when I was 10. I could not put that game down for the life of me.
AVP2 by monolith was the best, it had a good narrative and gameplay.
2010 had good visuals, great kill animations but was kind of mediocre, the multiplayer was flawed as you couldn't join matches in progress, so it was very slow to find matches.
Yeah, I remember waking up early on Saturday mornings to play that game before my swimming lessons back in the day. Good times...
Plus when you play as an Alien in the old games, you could actually stand up instead of walking around on all fours like in 2010's AVP. Aliens are 8ft tall give or take and its their height that adds to their intimidation, but when you are on all fours all the time, you're the shortest out of them all.
Very true I didn't like how Specimen 6 always walked on all fours despite the fact that she was a warrior. I really hope LV 1201 is mentioned and shown in the Alien Cinematic Universe because I love that planet because the derelict ship from the original movie went to that planet at one point. The engineer's probably bombed the place with xenomorph eggs as a means to get whatever species used to live there wiped out. Unlike LV-426 the Xenomorphs have a strong presence on the planet. So much so that there is a freaking Empress on their!
What do you think?